world disease for fall 2021

Grading for this course

Fairness to students:  Out of fairness to all students, I adhere to the grading scheme outlined in the syllabus  when assigning work and calculating grades.  I cannot selectively assign additional work to only a subset of students to increase their grades, nor differentially apply grading schemes to favor some students over others.  Please do not request unearned grade changes or “extra” work either during or following the completion of the course.

Rounding course grades  If your grade ends with .8 or .9 and you don't have any missing assignments, I will round your grade up. For example, if your course grade on canvas is 79.9, I will round that up to 80 and your course grade will be a B-.  I will not round grades that are not within 2/10 of a point of the next grade.

Welcome to World Disease Online

This course is entirely asynchronous. There are no meeting or  zoom conferences to attend. You may work at your own pace as long as you meet the deadlines you will see in the course calendar.  Email Dr. Shaw  if you have any questions

There are no textbooks to purchase. Dr. Shaw has created a textbook using all open education resources such as the World health organization, Open Stax Microbiology, and the United Nations. Each module has a link to the related chapters. The entire book can be found here

ebook complete World Disease 2021.pdf Download ebook complete World Disease 2021.pdf

syllabus_WD_on_line_ BIO242 Shaw fall 2021-2.docx Download syllabus_WD_on_line_ BIO242 Shaw fall 2021-2.docx 


Click on the blue rectangles to go directly to each module

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CC Attribution This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.