Week 5 Quiz (covers weeks 1-4 and the introduction week)

  • Due Oct 10, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 23
  • Time Limit 50 Minutes


You have 50 minutes to take this quiz. That's approximately one and a half minute for each of 17 multiple choice questions and 5 minutes each for 4 short answer/essay questions and 3 minutes for one matching question.

The short answer/essay responses may also be lists or bullet points. Spelling and grammar are not graded unless I have trouble reading your response. They are not meant to be essays. 

Study before you take it and organize your notes from lectures, videos, and assignments. Some questions will be very specific referring to the videos you watched. The ebook should also be helpful.

The quiz will show you one question at a time.  The short answer/essay questions are first then the one matching and finally the multiple choice.  I am looking for specifics, not long answers. Keep track of your time so that you can get to all of the multiple choice questions as well.

Don't take quizzes or exams with any other student. Quizzes done at the same time will lose 20% of their grade.

A study guide is posted if you are unsure of what to study. 

Your grade won't be available until after I grade the short answer questions.  I tend to grade them quickly (usually within 24 hours). 

If you want to review your quiz,  make an appointment to see me in my office JSC229 on Tues between 9 and 4. 

Dr. Shaw


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