Course Syllabus
376 Hale Street
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
Van Loan School
Course Syllabus
HMI550 – Health & Medical Information Systems Overview
Fall 2018 ON LINE
Instructor: Christopher Bradley PharmD MBA RPh
Telephone: 315-681-5083 E-mail:
- Required Text/Author: None
- Course Description: IT systems relating to healthcare and medical records are changing at an incredible pace. Significant investments in Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR), electronic prescriptions (ePrescriptions), together with advances in testing, voice recognition, digital imaging and knowledge management have placed an increased emphasis on the integration of all these components. The further challenge of providing national, integrated access to healthcare data across a disparate set of vendors and applications make this a very complex challenge.
This course provides an overview of the discipline of health informatics including key definitions, concepts, models and theories. The student is introduced to key application areas within Health Informatics, as well as historical, current, and emerging information systems in health care. Students will learn features and functions that are common to most health care information systems. (3 Graduate Credits)
- Prerequisite: None
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
- Understand the portfolio of systems in healthcare
- Be aware of the integration challenges across healthcare systems.
Requirements: Each student is expected to:
- Read the text and prepare homework assignments.
- Evaluation:
The final course grade will be based on the following components and all are required for a passing grade.
- Case Assignments 25% Written
- Discussions (weekly) 25% written
- Term Project 50% Written
- Useful websites
The Official Web Site for the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Incentive Programs, Links to an external site.
HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) Links to an external site. Links to an external site. (the official site for Health IT information) Links to an external site. Links to an external site. (Healthcare IT Leadership, Vision & Strategy)
- Assignments
Starting with week 1 and through week 6, students will be required to weekly assignments. The paper should be uploaded to Canvas and should be 3-5 pages in length (excluding cover page). A successful summary will demonstrate that the student has distilled the key messages from the readings and made critical insights into the issues raised and addressed by the authors.
- Term Project A final paper (8-12 pages) will be due the final week of class. This paper is based on the detail outlined in a separate file called “Term Project”.
- Grading System:
Letter Grade |
Numerical Equivalent |
Grade Point Value |
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F |
94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 Below 60 |
4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 |
A grade of WP or WF appears on the transcript but is not calculated into the grade point average (G.P.A.). The G.P.A. is determined by multiplying the grade point value by the number of credits for a given course, summing the products and dividing by the number of credits attempted.
At the graduate level a grade below a C is a failing grade.
An Incomplete Grade (INC) may be given to a student that denotes that some part of the course, for reasons acceptable to the instructor, has not been completed and the student is to this point passing the course. An Incomplete grade should be given as an exception only, such as a medical emergency. Incomplete grades should not be given to a student with the sole objective of the student receiving a higher grade. The work must be made up within seven weeks after the last session of the course. Any circumstances warranting an extension must be approved by the instructor and the Vice President of the Graduate School and submitted in writing to the Assistant Registrar in the GPS Office.
- Academic Honesty: A university is a community of individuals who voluntarily join together for the purpose of learning. At the heart of this sense of academic community is the idea that the behavior of its members is guided by a shared commitment to the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of cheating, plagiarism or assisting others in acts of dishonesty is a violation of such standards. As a student in this course, it is assumed that you pledge that you will neither receive nor give unauthorized assistance during the completion of all my work in this course. You will not engage in plagiarism. (The definition of plagiarism is the deliberate presentation, oral or written, of words, facts, or ideas belonging to another source without proper acknowledgment.) Please be aware of Endicott College’s academic honesty policy. Cheating/ plagiarism (to include the cutting and pasting of unmodified code from the internet) is grounds for failure in the class, and possibly academic dismissal.
- ADA Policy: If you as a student qualify as a person with a disability, as defined in Chapter 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, you may wish to discuss the need for reasonable accommodation with your instructor. You should make this contact at the start of the semester
- Extra Credit
There is no extra credit work in this course.
- Other College Resources: Endicott Library: (978) 232-2292
- E-mail Format: If you e-mail me for any reason, you are requested to use the following format.
Subject: MHI550 (Your Name) (Topic)
- Course Schedule and Assignments: Please see Canvas homepage. “Working ahead” of schedule will not be permitted in this course without instructor permission (extenuating circumstances must apply).
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |
Discussion Topic Discussion 1 | ||
Assignment Final Term Project | ||
Assignment Session 1: Case 2 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 2: Case 2 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 3: Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 3: Case 2 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 4: Case 1 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 5: Case 1 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 6: Case 1 Assignment | ||
Assignment Session 6: Case 2 Assignment | ||
Assignment Week 1 Assignment | ||
Assignment Week 2 Assignment | ||
Discussion Topic Week 2 discussion | ||
Discussion Topic Week 3 discussion | ||
Assignment Week 4 assignment | ||
Discussion Topic Week 4 discussion | ||
Assignment Week 5 assignment |